Best 10 PPC Trends You Can't Ignore In 2022

November 19, 2021

10 PPC ads trends 2022

It is always very important to ensure that you are receiving the most out of your advertising budget in an increasingly competitive environment. However, with unique strategies of PPC evolving every time, it can be difficult to find out which ones are worthwhile.

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Don't worry, this article will effectively clear all of your doubts. Read on to learn about 10 PPC trends you should consider using in 2022 and beyond.

1. PPC Automation

If you are focusing to boost campaign performance, then PPC automation is something to rely on. Google, for example, has invested a significant amount of money on specifically their automated choices.

To get the most out of PPC automation, you should make the algorithms work out for you as well as help the machines with their learning.

In this regard, you should focus on setting up effective and precise conversion tracking. Also, the ad copy, you write should be good. Make sure you know who your target audience is as well as what keywords they are searching for.

You would be able to effectively save time as well as money by delegating most of the work to the machines. Even though you are focusing to automate your work, you do not wish to be hands-off.

Although a lot of advancements have taken place, not every choice is suitable for your company. Automation can effectively free up your time with some hands-on management, enabling you to concentrate on other major works.

2. Smart Bidding Evolution

Talking about Smart Bidding is regarded as an automated bidding system that is controlled by machine learning.

It makes use of machine learning for optimizing conversions as well as conversion values in auctions. A few examples of it are Target Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA), Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (CPC), as well as Target Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS).

As we progress to 2022, this particular strategy is expected to turn more robust.

There is a possibility that manual bidding could become a thing of the past. Times. It would not be a negative aspect since it will let the marketers concentrate on certain things such as strategy as well as for analytics.

3. The Emergence Of Amazon Into Paid Advertising

Amazon ads stats

While Facebook, as well as Google, continue to dominate paid advertising, Amazon is focusing to mark their prints.

Currently, they have become the fastest-growing and third-largest advertiser. Amazon ads are shown both on as well as off of Amazon. It has effectively boosted their recognition with online merchants.

There is another reason for the rapid growth of their popularity. It is the buyer's intent. Indeed, it is the largest advantage that they have over Google and Facebook.

Both of the platform i.e. Google, as well as Facebook, contributes to providing access to the largest audiences. But the main disadvantage here is that users are not looking forward to buying anything.

So, the conversion rates on these particular platforms are considered to be much lower as compared to the perceived buyer intent of Amazon. It means that you could be spending more for less.

4. Trying Your Hands-On Social Media

About 70% of individuals consider checking at least one social media network once a month. And this number is significantly boosting. So, in case, you are not considering social media in your strategies of PPC, then you are losing something big.

A vast majority of the individuals make use of social media websites like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, as well as Pinterest daily. Many of these demographics, particularly the younger ones, are on several platforms.

It indicates that PPC marketers will concentrate on social media ads. As a vast majority of people utilize many platforms, you will wish to take advantage of this trend.

Although Facebook, as well as Google, will continue to be leaders of paid advertising, in 2021, you need to focus on expanding your boundaries.

5. Audience Targeting

Google ads now provide you the option so that, you can consider adding the targeted group of audiences. It effectively narrows down who you wish your advertisements to reach out to. Using this feature will help you get the most out of your ad budget.

With the help of audience targeting, you would be able to target a specific audience based on household income, age group, etc. So, you need to specify all of these things depending on what your product or service is targeted at.

You get the option to set ad preferences for excluding audiences who you think would not be interested in your services or products.

6. Bumper Video Ads

Whenever talking about mobile content, video is regarded as the king, and it will persist to dominate the market in 2022.

Search engine marketers who haven't worked with video are falling behind those who do. Video ads contribute to having a wide reach. Also, it is visually appealing and is relatively inexpensive.

With the recent launch of YouTube's bumper machine, a new video marketing tool from Google, you can turn videos of less than 90 seconds into a diversity of bumper ads that are ready to be shown on YouTube.

7. Rising Popularity Of Voice Search

voice search lady

Currently, there is increasing popularity of smart homes as well as personal assistant speakers like the Alexa Dot or Google Home. This is the reason, why you should invest in voice search.

Owing to rapid advancements in technology, it's inevitable that we'll see a surge in demand for paid voice search advertising in the upcoming future times. To relish its advantages, you can get started with it early on.

8. A Rise In Visual Searching

Instead of utilizing text, visual search makes use of an image specifically as the search query. For instance, click a picture of a bag you like, and the visual search feature will output links to purchase it.

Currently, individuals demand faster outcomes. So, the best part about the visual search is that it makes it much easier to find precisely what they're looking for.

Some major advancements could be coming in the year 2022. Instagram, as well as Pinterest, have already launched products specifically in the visual search space. By establishing a partnership with Snapchat, Amazon has also displayed the importance of visual search.

9. Remarketing

Remarketing is considered to be the process of tracking as well as displaying advertisements to users whenever they leave your website.

It is an extremely powerful marketing approach since it can be incredibly targeted as well as personalized.

The goal of remarketing is to keep your business or brand in the minds of people. Also, currently, things have progressed beyond trying to appeal to individuals who aren't willing to purchase.

Discovering where your prospective consumers are present in the buying cycle should be your utmost priority. Then you can create tailored, targeted advertisements that will aid in conversion.

10. Integration Of PPC And SEO

SEO, as well as PPC, go hand in hand. Whenever you integrate your PPC and SEO strategies, you'll get better outcomes. It will continue to be true in the year 2022 as well as beyond.

Analyzing your top-performing ad copy is an excellent way to sync up your SEO as well as PPC. To improve your ranking, you should focus on creating content as well as blog posts based on that copy.

Long-tail terms can be used in paid search bidding strategies. It is proved to be great for boosting your rankings. Using the PPC Auctions Insights Reports and other related tools, you would be able to target competitors' keywords with the help of SEO and PPC integration.


As evident from the above-mentioned section, the PPC trends or strategies are continuously advancing. In case, you wish to remain competitive, you must update your strategies of marketing as well.

Make sure you're up to date on the latest technologies and adopting top-notch practices always. Just because something worked for you last year does not guarantee that it will work the same way this year.

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Sunny Chawla


Sunny Chawla is a Managing Director at Alliance International. He specializes in helping client for international recruiting, staffing, HR services and Careers advice service for overseas and international businesses.

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