Why Do You Need To Optimize For Voice Search In 2021?

October 28, 2020

Why do you need voice search

Have you ever asked Siri to find a Chinese restaurant near where you live?

Maybe you asked Cortana what the weather was like today. Perhaps you wondered, Alexa, which TV show is trending on Netflix today.

But, did you ever wonder how you were able to avail of these facilities?

If you didn’t know already, this has all been made possible because of voice search.

voice search future

When you use your voice on a voice assistant device, tablet, or smartphone, it is referred to as voice search.

Alexa, Cortana, Siri, and Google are all examples of this technology. They have made our lives simpler and more accessible. Voice generated actions and answers have allowed you to sit back and relax as they research on your behalf. Life does not get any better than this.

When you ask a voice search for something, they do not show you a simple page with a few blue ticks. Instead, the device will read out all the top responses to you.

Yes, really.

Nothing more, nothing less. You will get the best results and have your queries solved without even lifting your eyelids.

All of this is great. But, is your face scrunched up because you are wondering how your business will benefit from voice search?

Have no fear.

We will talk about it in detail.

Staying On Top Of All Technological Advancements

Every year brings new technological advancements. You might find yourself struggling to ensure that your business is in line with all such new developments. Digital marketing is no piece of cake, after all. But, are they all so difficult to manage?

Voice search is a technology whose usage has spread like wildfire. Various businesses have welcomed it with their arms wide open.

But, so what?

As a result of its rising popularity, voice search has had a significant impact on SEO practices.

Yes, now your eyes are growing wide. Your face is also filled with interest.

Well, it is the truth. The world of search engine optimization as we know it could change drastically if you do not stay informed about voice search and its developments.

Why Does My Business Need Voice Search Optimization?

Did you know that the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, revealed that out of the five searches conducted on an Android app, one is always a voice search?

Thus, one of those five searches could be for your business. It could lead to a boost in website traffic and many other benefits.


Then continue reading below:

1. Enhancing customer experience

search in voice

In this day and age, we all try to blend in. Us non-specialists use trending filters and share memes so we can be relevant. Voice search optimization is a way for businesses to stay connected.

Additionally, it improves and enhances the customer experience. Your business can build a strong and everlasting bond with customers, given that you give them an optimized and unique experience. Rest assured, they will keep coming back to you for more because that is what brand loyalty is all about.

The best part is that you can even fulfill your customers differentiated needs. This is where things get interesting.

Google Assistant and Alexa can distinguish between voices. Do you know what that means? They will give you valuable insights related to your customers. You can then provided personalized service to cater to their personal needs with content and messages. Your customers will be content.

Moreover, voice searches give businesses and customers to have seamless and natural interactions. Who doesn’t like a touch of personal after all?

Do you have a lot of workloads and only not enough time to conduct text-based research?

Well, voice search interactions are at your service.

Consumers can now save time and contact your business at their convenience.

Say hello to instant gratification.

voice commerce

Whirlpool made a sage decision where voice search is concerned. They joined hands with Amazon and developed a line of voice-activated appliances. Their new invention allowed them to answer their customer’s questions, converse with them, and guide them whenever needed. You can make your customers feel just as important too. Knock that customer experience out of the park.

2. Rising traffic

Though there is much exploration left into the possibilities of voice technology, increased web traffic is a definite reward of voice search optimization. Surveys conducted time and time again have led to this very conclusion.

No need to think hard about how exactly this works. Read a little further.

voice in SEO

Once a voice assistant gives an answer, potential and existing customers will find a link to your business’s website. If you have successfully optimized for voice search, more and more people will be provided with a direct link. You may even become the top result or get a featured snippet that is often used for answers.

3. Keeping the competition out

You want your customers to stay with you for a long time, right? Perhaps even forever? Then you need to make sure that you keep the competition out.

This means that in addition to making it easier for them to find you, you lower the prospects of them landing on your rival’s website.

voice search

First thing’s first, if you lack voice search optimizing and they are up to date, then you are in hot water. There is a highly probable chance that this will provide them with a competitive advantage over you. As a result, your customers will find them instead of you because they were smart enough to adapt to newer technologies.

I’ll let you in on a little secret; voice search has not been adopted by many businesses because it is still very new. So, why don’t you be the first in your competitors or even the entire industry to go for it? This is your chance to jump on the bandwagon and get a head start.

Additionally, in case a potential customer decides to look for you, what if they can’t see any results for your business? They will instead see your competitor listed and lean towards them.

Now that is a scary thought, isn’t it?

An Overview

Voice search optimization is a great way to snag customers for both small and medium-sized businesses. If you run one of these, then you can be sure that investing in SEO will not be of waste. You can strengthen your position and become a well-known brand presence. That merely is like the business version of being a celebrity.

Smile for the cameras.

Let’s not forget the best perk of optimizing your business for voice search. Of course, it is cost-effective. Once you invest in technology, you can quickly recover the cost from increased traffic and customers. You will have a high scope for sales and conversion, guaranteed.

Final Word

The business world is becoming more and more dynamic as the world advances. Due to the plight of coronavirus, there is a dire need to remain competitive. You wouldn’t want to be the one who is knocked out of the park now, would you? Thus, you must meet the rising expectations and grow with technology.

It is no secret that voice search can change the way your business communicates and connects with the rest of the world.

Li Du


Building and running First Site Solutions make my dream come true! Over the years of pursuing my dream, I saw the amazing opportunities in online business world, acquired valuable experience and a great wealth of skills and knowledge on building, growing and developing a business online.

I am growing with my company and in the field of my interest. We are turning our website into an online business platform and community where you can start and grow your own business too!

When I endeavored to develop our business with my passion and faith, I wanted to share all I've learned (good and bad) with you, and wish that it can benefit you and your business, help you find what you need to reach your business goals and achieve your successes.

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