How to Turn Your Website into an Earning Machine?

May 6, 2021

How to turn your website earn 

As of January 2021, there were about 1.2 billion websites on the World Wide Web!


Please don’t bother about the number in words.

Can you imagine the amount of information coming from about 1.2 billion websites? The world must really want to know anything and everything there is to know on the internet.

websites growth

Given the trajectory of the growth of the internet, we can predict that the number will keep on rising. As access to the internet grows, even to countries that did not once have it, the internet will inevitably change the world.

It already has!

Moreover, in the time to come, more and more retail stores are being replaced by ecommerce stores.

Website's Business Is Your Business

The websites on the internet may serve several different purposes. Perhaps the site that you operate may be for your brand, maybe centered around a specific product, it may be for your NGO, maybe an ecommerce website or an e-learning platform. In any case, a website could perform one or many different functions.

But what most websites do function as it to help a business earn. However, not every website can earn revenue for its owner. However, you can choose to turn your website into an earning machine!

But when we say you can turn your website into an earning machine, we do not just mean that you get revenue as a result of your website merely existing. The earning from your website can come through the synchronized marketing effort from your website.

How? There are plenty of ways that you can choose to follow one or combine several of these activities to earn a hefty amount. Here is how:

1. Blogging

It has long been believed that blogging is a dying trend. Mostly because people do not read content the same way that they once used to.

In addition, with avenues like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so many more social media platforms, all insights are available right there.

But over time, bloggers have continued to grow at a steady pace. Why? Because blogging has gained popularity as a medium for not only engagement but also for sales and other forms of earning mechanisms.

Although blogging itself does not pay. You cannot earn by merely pouring your heart out on a blog. But it forms a crucial gateway to other earning procedures. That is why, over time, several free blogging platforms like WordPress have come to establish themselves.

The idea is that once a blog gains enough popularity and has enough regular readers, it can be capitalized for placing ads or running affiliate programs and so on.

blogs for website traffic

But what is new is that, organizations have come to see blogs as more than just random thoughts. Organizations have discovered that the number of blog posts on their website have consistently brought in traffic!

This traffic can then be directed with the right Calls to Action to explore their products and services and purchase and become regular customers.

As your blog becomes popular enough, you can even go out to get an exclusive membership for your regular customers. In some cases, this could even be charged and bring in revenue for your business.

Moreover, organizations have discovered that the consistent and high number of blogs on their website also contribute to traffic. As a result, search engines have come out to incorporate blogs in their ranking algorithm. Therefore, having a blog for your website is not just a good thing, but a necessity now.

2. Selling Ad Space

Remember the last time you couldn’t remember what it was that you wanted to buy, but then an ad on a random website reminded you? Well, those ads are kind of a big deal and organizations to compete to have their ads displayed.

Several websites that generate enough traffic, no matter how they do it, will find plenty of businesses willing to advertise their business on your website. So much so that there are entire procedures for bidding and getting the space that they love on your website.

Every time somebody clicks their ad on your website, you earn money. While this might seem exaggerated, but the amount of earning from pay per click on your ads can be substantial, given the importance that organizations give these types of ads.

The way to get your website ready for advertising is to use Google Adsense. This will allow Google to embed code on your website for advertisers. On the other hand, you can get in direct contact with organizations that are looking for ad space and deal with them to sell the space on your website.

3. Affiliate Marketing

When it comes to earning on the internet, one of the most prominent trends over the past few years has been affiliate marketing. The idea behind affiliate marketing is much like that behind influencer marketing.

Whereas in influencer marketing, a renowned influencer will direct traffic to your website or tell his/her loyal followers to buy your product, in affiliate marketing, you do so through your website. While this business model works very much like paid ads, in that sense through a Pay Per Click method, there is much that is different.

For instance, rather than just giving them a banner ad to click on, affiliate marketing focuses on a more subtle approach. For instance, featuring content from the client’s website and linking it so people could follow it there.

affiliate marketing cycle

The reason that affiliate marketing is becoming so prevalent today is partly because of how blogs have grown over the past few years. While blogs themselves are an entire writing style, affiliate marketing has grown out to be a type of writing within the realms of blog writing.

Yet another reason for the popularity of entire affiliate programs around the world, has been the great return on investment they provide.

4. Sponsored Content

Another great way to keep earning with your website is to get sponsored content from relevant brands. Do we know what you are thinking, though? Isn’t that the same as getting ads for your website?

It is not!

Ads are promotional banners that could be several different types. When we talk about sponsored content, we do not just mean banner or display ads, but about the actual content. This could be content in the form of videos or actual articles.

When you get the right relevant sponsored content on your website, you not only add value to your readers by your content but also with relevant authority sites. The only thing that you must be careful with is to make sure that the content is clearly labeled as “sponsored.”

Also, make sure that this sponsored content on your website is relevant to what the reader is looking at. In cases where the organization has a questionable image, it is always smart to not have their content on your website.

Final Words

When it comes to earning, a website provides so many different avenues that it would be wrong not to earn with your website. Capitalize on the several possible ways of earning through your website to further your bottom line.

And of course, this could be a differentiating factor that sets your website apart from the other 1 billion websites.

Yonge Chen


Web Developer/Digital Marketer

As a Web Developer,  I plan, create and code web pages, applying both non-technical and technical skills to produce web applications that meet the customer's requirements.

As a digital marketing specialist, I am well versed in SEO, SEM, inbound marketing, content, social media, and heavily get involved with all sides of online marketing to help clients generate opportunities, drive sales, and build brand.

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