How To Remove Friction Points And Sell Online. A Guide For Ecommerce

June 3, 2021

How To Remove Friction in payment 

Friction points are no fun.

Remember, how we studied in our schools that friction is the resisting force- anything that stops or slows down speed?

While this may be a favorable thing for many occasions…

But, if you are an online seller, it is something you've got to stay miles away.

Like, imagine, operating in a globalized and digitalized globe and encountering things that hinder you from increasing your market share. Not good, right? Sounds like a recipe for disaster, honestly.

You want to outshine your rivals; you must increase your efficiency and effectiveness- this is the simple rule.

To experience optimal productivity, however, you must eliminate all friction points that your business might be facing.

These points are what ultimately control your organic traffic. Hence, diminishing them is what will help you enjoy your desired outcomes and earnings.

And so, without further ado,

Let's hop onto this journey where we offer you tips for removing all the barriers blocking your traffic.

Improve customer journeys and boost your profitability.

All aboard the ship: Aye, Captain!

Content matters

The length of the landing page is a crucial driving factor which derives your product's total demand.

If your landing page has no relevant material, your traffic will get bored quickly. If that happens, well, they will just end up leaving your site and visiting that of your competitor. Yikes!

Make sure you give comprehensive information while trying to be as short and creative as possible.

Know that friction will happen if:

  • You share too much
  • You share too little

What you must do:

Offer the precise amount of content that solves most queries and offers the most details without becoming too wordy.

Our tip:

Be engaging, quirky, and exciting as you share about your business. Play with words to avoid lengthy material that reduce readability.

Remember, your goal is to prevent your traffic from leaving your site.

To design your landing page,

We say that you can conduct quality research and first understand your consumer's demands. Once you know what your buyer is looking for, you will be able to design your site to cater to all requirements.

Content Marketing is a precious asset.

You know your content strategy is legit when your traffic understands and remembers your content.

Of course, if your information isn't cohesive, how will you persuade your audience to buy from you?

Avoid losing your buyers and develop a super active content marketing campaign right away!

content strategy stats

A well-thought marketing strategy can also help you highlight your Unique Selling Point (USP) - the thing that sets you apart from the others.

How to share your content efficiently, you may wonder?

There are numerous channels, including e-mails and digital media. They work wonders in enhancing your revenues.

We advise you to hire experts and consultants who assist you in creating a persuasive content outline for your business. A strong foundation makes way for a robust building, they say.

More payment options to attract more traffic

3 ways to reduce friction in payments

If you're giving your guests just a few payment choices, you are limiting your revenues. In case this happens, you may lose your existing and potential customers to other industry players!

You must be clear in what your consumers need and offer precisely that. Or else, they won't go out of their way to buy from you. There goes your goal of customer retention…

You generate an additional level of frustration for customers when they are having trouble purchasing your goods,


Your website should have several payment choices to ease checkout procedures.

Offer the option of various currencies- especially the local one.

Lead payment methods in 2018

It's crazy how much of your traffic abandons their cart just because of complicated or limited payment options. So, have the checkout method as quickly as possible to enjoy customer retention and more lead generation.

Simply to amplify

As customers browse around on your website, they encounter many specific incentives for decision-making.

But, the more choices you offer them, the more they might get confused and frustrated. In the end, they might just end up not buying at all. *Red alert, red alert*

This is why our elders say,

Sometimes little is too much, and too much is little.

Make your online store a platform where you offer lesser yet high-quality options. Encourage your traffic to select whatever product they want and take action to complete transaction spending as little time as possible. No need for them to have second thoughts, right?

A way to simplify is to offer category segmentation. By placing similar items together, you assist your audience in identifying them quickly. This way, people can also compare such items side by side and select that suits their needs the best.

You can also provide short and eloquent product descriptions, images, or videos for the products.

Fun fact:

Product videos help your traffic find you more trustworthy and understand the product better. They also pave the way for effective lead generation!

video market stats

Mobile optimization must never be ignored

Today, smartphones are in the hands of everyone- even little toddlers!

Chances are, even you are on your mobile phones as you read through our quick guide, right?

Therefore, never ignore the part of your traffic that is mobile users. Ensure your site is super mobile-friendly.

Imagine your traffic being so interested in your products, and they go to checkout. But, the site is not cooperating on their mobile phones. Because of this, your users might have no option than to close your site and maybe buy from other competitors.

Uh-huh, you know what this means? You must design your e-store to accommodate to mobiles if you are aiming to draw more audience.

A practical tip- or two:

Use a mobile site speed calculator. Assess the results and speed of your site on mobile phones. It will make it easier for you to see the lacking elements and work on them.

Furthermore, remove the pop-ups and sidebar controls. They might prevent your traffic from accessing certain parts of your store.

Site speeding leads to revenue speeding

When your website lags, your online traffic can't search your items, read about your brand, or finalize an order.

Most of you have experienced that immense frustration of visiting a site but leaving because it's just taking TOO long to load, right?

Your job is to make sure your online store is not one of such sites. For, it does nothing to improve your business and earnings, trust us.

Analyze your site speed regularly. Be the first one to learn when any sort of lagging occurs.

Upgrade your platform and eliminate everything taking too much space or time to launch.

Yes, you must make sure that you are offering high-resolution content, including images and videos. This helps your audience get a better idea of your products. But, see that they aren't time-consuming when being launched.

remove friction from ecommerce journey

Customer reviews and testimonials make a difference

Customer ratings and testimonials can be crucial to your sales. It is because visitors may come across different reviews and responses to your site. It can be in page reviews or reviews on other platforms.

They help build your goodwill and reputation. People tend to trust the word and experience of your previous buyers, A LOT.

Positive reviews also help fasten your buyer's decision-making process. Furthermore, not adding testimonials on your store might give off a negative impression on your traffic as they might hesitate before buying from you.

We suggest you read every review and even try responding to them right away. This will contribute majorly to retain your customers and also attract new ones- seeing how much you value your audience.

reviews for business

Final words

You stayed with us till the end? Amazing! We do hope that you made notes and pointers. Now, wait no more. Analyze your business and identify your potential friction points.

As for removing them, we have certainly offered you natural approaches, right? Follow this guide and let no thorn come in your way as you generate leads and attract more of your target audience.

Happy online selling and profit-generating!

Li Du


Building and running First Site Solutions make my dream come true! Over the years of pursuing my dream, I saw the amazing opportunities in online business world, acquired valuable experience and a great wealth of skills and knowledge on building, growing and developing a business online.

I am growing with my company and in the field of my interest. We are turning our website into an online business platform and community where you can start and grow your own business too!

When I endeavored to develop our business with my passion and faith, I wanted to share all I've learned (good and bad) with you, and wish that it can benefit you and your business, help you find what you need to reach your business goals and achieve your successes.

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