How To Increase Conversion Rate With An eCommerce Mobile App

June 7, 2022

increase conversions with ecommerce app

eCommerce is booming! However, why is the desktop user conversion rate more than mobile apps?

We know that mobile contributes to the highest percentage of global web traffic. According to Statista, more than 54.4 percent of the global web traffic is through mobiles. The eCommerce app owners have the majority of visitors and customers accessing their stores through smartphones and tablets, yet the conversion rate is not as per expectation.

The reason is that there is a difference in the behavioral pattern of mobile users and desktop users. Mobile users are governed by the device location, attentiveness, and internet connectivity which is not the case for desktop users.

This is why using the same conversion approach for mobile apps, and desktop sites are divisive. You will have to optimize your mobile apps if you want to reduce bounce rates and increase conversions.

As an eCommerce owner, you may  often wonder how to increase the conversion rate for your mobile app. The strategies to increase app conversions or app purchases are limitless. All your marketing strategies should have a solid grip over the primary points to improve the conversion rates.

Here, the aim is to include as many conversion rate optimization approaches as possible. It is essential to include all advanced techniques to increase conversion rates and simultaneously take care of the analytics as well.

Although your website is a great way of reaching your audience, a mobile app acts as a cherry on the top.

So, how would you define mobile conversion rate?

An eCommerce mobile conversion rate is nothing but the percentage of users on a mobile app that engages and completes the desired action. Let us understand this with an example. Suppose 300 people visit your mobile eCommerce store daily, but only 30 such people complete the checkout process and purchase the products. So, the conversion rate for your eCommerce business on the mobile app is 30/300, or 0.1 or 10%.

This article will discuss strategies to increase the conversion rate with an eCommerce mobile app.

A. Monitor Analytics of Your ECommerce Mobile App

Do you know why the conversion rate of your mobile app is down? If not, how would you optimize the app? Analyze all the details that can be the reason behind the low conversion rate.

Check for the total number of installs, app registration, user activity, uninstalls, etc., to reach the main cause of the problem. Event tracking will help you with new user addition ideas and help you seek valuable revenue.

Only tracking will not help. Once monitoring of all the user activities is completed, re-engage the users and ensure all such issues leading to the low conversion rate of your mobile app are adequately addressed.

B. Customer Friendly Registration Process

This is perhaps the most important reason to make your mobile app more interesting and engaging. If your mobile app registration process or login is simple, it attracts more users to your app. Moreover, simple steps in the product purchase make customers go for instant purchases.

Ensure your mobile app registration is convenient for visitors and they are converted to customers. Multiple registration options through Google, Facebook, and other social media

IDs help in fast registration, and it helps with more conversions in your eCommerce mobile app.

C. Avoid Intrusive Advertisements

Imagine going through your product selection process in a mobile app, and you are bombarded with intrusive ads? There is a great chance that you will get irritated and leave. If you want to increase your eCommerce conversion rate, consider not investing in intrusive ads and not hosting them as well.

These are normal advertisements that are pushed to get a certain number of impressions. They are never focused on revenue generation. It is always prudent to invest in paid marketing for areas where you know it will contribute to your eCommerce mobile app conversion.

D. Speed Up

Yes, it is straightforward. You have to speed up your mobile app to surge your conversion rate. No one likes to wait for a lifetime for a page to download. They would move to faster and better alternatives.

According to a report published on Akamai:

  • 40% of the online users will move away from a page that is taking more than 3 seconds to upload
  • 47% of the online shoppers want a webpage that takes less than 2 seconds to load

The following graph from Radware tells us how promptly opening mobile pages is rewarded.

conversion rate Walmart case

E. Incorporate Rich Snippets and Structured Data

Rich snippets and structured data are nothing but Google's search information to its searchers. The search engine gives you essential information about a webpage in the SERPs when a visitor is browsing through them. Hence, it is essential that you incorporate well-structured data, meta descriptions, and rich excerpts for your mobile app as it is even more necessary to keep a tap on your analytics so that you can make good decisions for campaign strategies and future sales.

F. Add Reviews For Your Mobile App

The level of trust for a brand in the real world depends on how the business is performing over a period of time. In the case of the virtual world, customers are unable to touch or feel your products. Even what they see is sometimes deceptive. Hence, what works is customer reviews which help visitors to know the brand and develop confidence and trust in your products.

G. Use Social Media

Social media plays a significant role in increasing click-through rates in today's times. Enhancing your social media channel helps penetrate the audience at a micro-level and keeps them attached to you.

It increases brand engagement. How? Social media boosts the follower count through 24/7 engagement. According to Statista, revenue in social media amounts to US$ 153.7 billion in 2021.

social media chart

It is important to share quality content about your products. It would help if you also looked for ways to boost your top-performing products through social media for a particular amount of time.

H. Encourage User Participation

One of the most constructive ways to increase your mobile app conversion is by putting yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you look for in an app if you were to select a mobile app for purchases? The app that has more customer engagement and seeks user feedback is likely to draw your attention.

Similarly, encourage user participation in your eCommerce mobile app. This is one strategy that would help you in increasing conversion in the long run. You can hold contests and arrange giveaways through your app. It helps you to retain customers. User participation is an important tactic to boost mobile conversions.

I. Shorten the Payment Process

While implementing strategies for boosting eCommerce mobile app conversion rates, take conversion rate as a milestone. Reaching milestones will be easier if the entry and exits are short. We have already discussed how the registration process should be crisp. The exit process or the e-payment system should be equally robust.

When shoppers decide to purchase a product, they want the exit process to happen quickly. Staying too long while exiting can change their decision, and you might lose a customer, which is not good for business. Hence, the mobile app checkout should be short and sweet. Include several payment options to make it easier for the customers. Also, enable all social logins, including guest logins. 

J. Right Use of Push Notification

One of the more effective ways of marketing and re-engaging users to increase mobile app conversion rates is the proper use of push notifications. If the mobile app is installed on the user's device, a push notification can be sent directly to them. As per Mindinventory, a push notification can boost user engagement by 88%, while in-app messages trigger conversion up to 4 times.

By setting the push notification feature to your eCommerce mobile app, you personalize the customer experience. Admins can help with relevant product deals based on the customer search history. This helps in a way that customers can directly reach for that product for purchase and thus increase the app conversion rate.

However, keep in mind to use this feature judiciously. An excessive number of messages can disturb the customer resulting in the uninstallation of the mobile app.

Final Thoughts

In today's world, user engagement on eCommerce mobile applications is as important as brand loyalty. Although brand loyalty will increase your long-term customer base and generate consistent revenue, user engagement will lead you to higher conversion rates.

It is prudent to employ ideas to increase in-app purchases and boost the conversion rates on your eCommerce mobile app. It is even more necessary to keep a tap on your analytics so that you can make good decisions for campaign strategies and future sales. To boost the conversion rate, always ensure that you provide enough reason for the customer to come back to your eCommerce mobile app and make their purchases.

All the above strategies will surely help you increase your eCommerce mobile app conversion rate and simultaneously enhance user engagement in the long run.

Rajamanickam Rajan


Rajamanickam Rajan is the director at Skein Technologies, a leading IT solution company in India. He has 10+ years of experience in developing application using IBM Worklight hybrid, native applications for IOS and Android systems.

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