6 Underrated Marketing Tips For Small Businesses That Always Work

December 8, 2021

6 marketing tips always work 

A quick question for you,

If you crave coffee or let’s say you’re heading out for work- or used to once upon a time when the current epidemic was not an issue for us,

The chances are that most of you head to the nearest Starbucks or another big chain and get yourself a cup of your desired coffee.

But what about the cozy and snug family-run café in the corner of your locality? Have you taken time to enjoy their ambiance, sit, and order a cup of coffee?

Speaking from experience, the coffee from that small café might actually beat other more reputed brands.

The feels as you sip and enjoy in the quaint little café with unique aesthetics might outweigh others. But most of you might not be able to relate.

The point we're trying to make here is that sometimes, the under-discovered and underrated things bring you more joy and serenity than other widely known or practiced things.

Similar is the case for your business. Sometimes, your firm needs a pinch of certain underrated yet immensely influential approaches to give your business the extra boost you're looking for.

A cherry on top:

Most of these tactics are light on your wallet, as well.

Isn’t that perfect for your growing business that still has limited finances yet needs an optimal marketing campaign to rise high amidst high competition?

Unusual Is The New Usual - 6 Ways How

Check out our six underrated and not your usual marketing tips that can work wonders for your small business.

So what you're tight on cash- creativity knows no bounds, after all. 

And it’s time to let your innovative streak shine in your easy promotional planning!

1. Customer Referrals

Sometimes it boggles out mind how this one is SO underrated,

But an excellent way to advertise any company really- but most importantly, smaller firms is word-of-mouth.

According to Nielson, 92 percent of customers trust friends and family's advice over all types of advertisement. In addition to this, the buying decisions of 81% of US buyers are affected majorly by their friends' social media posts. It's not us exaggerating; stats show evidence:

Studies show that 43% of buyers are more likely to purchase an item or brand about which their friends gave positive feedback on social media.

customer referral stats

By adopting a consumer referral and word-of-mouth marketing, you have no idea just how much your clientele base is boosting.

Sure, referral marketing is increasing, but many firms still fail to understand the potential it holds- especially if you’re a small firm looking for cost-saving ways to boost customers and your brand reputation.

You can start by offering your existing major clients some incentives for recommending you. These can include complementary services, and discounts are good starting points. 

People are heavily influenced by others- nothing new in that. But use that fact for your favor and be the James Bond of marketing decisions. Oomph, now THAT sounds fun, right?

2. Video Marketing

For small firms, videos are among the best free marketing techniques to incorporate. Also, did you know that according to Forbes, 66% of your consumers prefer watching videos rather than reading about your products? 

Still, a huge chunk of small businesses is missing out on this goodness- something we must change ASAP.

You need not hire professionals for some high-tech video shoots. Be yourself and reflect on your business as you make videos on your own. Post your personalized and own shot videos on various social media sites and reap the benefits.

video marketing stats

Videos allow you to get your viewers to see your creativity and learn more about your products. Go behind the scenes and use this free publicity tactic to get super innovative!

For a more significant impact, blend photos and videos. To execute, write a script, and maybe put in some of that humor and quirkiness that we know you possess. Show people real talent, people!

Attach a personal message or branding message. Do you know how our elders told us that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Well, the way to your customer's attention is through targeting their emotions. Works wonders; believe us.

Finish off your content with a call to action. 93% percent of marketers say they’ve landed a new customer because of a video on social media.

Follow some tips to ace this still comparatively underrated tactic:

The most crucial element is checking the time limit of your videos. They shouldn’t be too short and vague but not dragged to be too long that they bore your viewers out.

According to studies, the ideal time is of 2 minutes in general, 30 seconds on Instagram, and 1 minute on Facebook.

3. Email Marketing

Today, while the content might be everywhere on social media, it still cannot reach each of your targeted audience. According to a report compiled by McKinsey & Company, email marketing is up to 40 times more potent than social media. The same report also indicates that the purchase process is three times quicker than on social media.

email marketing stats

One has to admit, old is gold on most occasions, eh?

So while the larger firms might be moving away from conventional emailing,

For smaller firms, email marketing's potentials are boosting rapidly.

91% of individuals view their email at least once a day, based on polls performed by the Channel Preferences Survey. Besides, they are also said to prefer receiving business details via email.

The Fourth Source website states that 92% of internet users have at least one email address.

So, while everyone has an email address, not everyone has social media accounts. Like we stressed before, use this fact to your benefit. Draw catchy emails and send them, receive direct feedbacks and possible one-to-one interactions with your audience.


Email to nail your marketing campaign.

4. Using Infographics

We practice what we preach. So, did you notice an abundance of infographics in this marketing guide we are currently offering you?

That is why we are going to highlight the importance of infographics. They can become your most powerful tool to make a lasting impact.

You can let your creative skills boost and make your target market see the importance of what you are trying to communicate. Highlight your products and highlight your brand- all through this smart, eye-catching yet still underrated marketing tool.

Infographics are the coal waiting for you to turn into a diamond- they are that precious. Do you hear us?

According to HubSpot, 90% of the information that is transmitted to our brains is visual.

Infographics help summarize your long text, increasing its readability and, thus, retention in your consumers' minds.

That is why infographics are concluded to be thirty times more likely to be read by your audience than text.

Think like this: your consumers are busy people.

Would they instead read paragraphs over paragraphs about your business or be enticed with a quick read consisting of vibrant and funky pointers with figures and numbers?

Do you get our point?

Also, a cherry on top for you,

Stats show that infographics can help boost your online traffic by 12%!

That should be good enough to persuade you into incorporating infographics in your next marketing plan, eh?

Start away, fellas. Create appealing infographics and then post them everywhere you can reach, like your social media platforms, emails, or website.

5. Hashtag Marketing

The contemporary digitalized world and its inhabitants all mostly follow trends. How do you know what's trending? Simple, you see the hashtags.

You'd be amazed to know how many people today follow hashtags more than actual people on social media.

Therefore, hashtag marketing for small businesses works its charms very effectively.

hashtag illustration chart

Hashtags can help make it easy for your audience to find you on social media, hence, increasing your brand awareness and helping attract more and more market.

The only crucial factor is that you choose the correct hashtag for your posts that can help notch up your firm's popularity.

You can keep track of the effectiveness of the hashtags you use using some of the available social media analytics tools.

Just a few steps, and boom, you know just how vast your hashtags are making your brand reach.

Technology makes everything easy, no?

It’s now Stats o’clock brought to you by yours truly.

Studies have found that businesses using Twitter and Instagram hashtags are increasing their participation rates by up to 12.6%. That percentage might not seem like a big deal, but the amount of influence this shall have on your long-term social marketing success,

That certainly is going to the real deal.

6. Online Contests

Now, now. Don't be quick to judge. We get it; you might feel a bit confused.

Like hello, how on earth could online contests act as a successful marketing strategy for small businesses?

Hear us out.

Like we said, this guide is all about underrated and undervalued yet oh-so productive marketing tools.

The contests we talk about can include completing tasks or simply answering questions that reflect your audience's creativity.

How does it help you?

You generate attention and create this sort of sensation in the market about your product and business.

As you offer your customers some feel-good moments, you also create opportunities to insert word-of-mouth ads.

How? It is a guarantee that your customers WILL inform others about these contests and the rewards they were able to achieve.

As reported, on average of the total participants, 62.13% share the promotion with a friend to suggest that they take part too.

As more and more people get to know about you, maybe visit your site or social media accounts, that is your golden opportunity to launch new products-

Or provide information about your existing items to the new visitors.

Fun fact,

Even the contest CTAs have an approx. 3.7% greater conversion rate compared to other CTAs.

Once upon a time, boosting customer engagement, raising your sales, and capturing the market might have sounded tricky for small businesses. Now, not anymore!

online contest step by step


Sigh, time flies when you're enjoying yourself. We hope you could take a few pointers that you can make your vital and impressive promotional tools.

Rise high on the ladder of revenues, organic traffic, customer loyalty, and all that good stuff. These marketing tips we offered might not seem like a great deal to you at first glance. But we assure you, they will take your firm to great places.

Take full advantage of these underrated marketing tactics till they remain less commonly used by others. Be among the first ones to embrace and indulge in the perks offered by these elements.

Prepare to reap all the benefits of your effortful promotional planning, oh our ambitious businesses!

Li Du


Building and running First Site Solutions make my dream come true! Over the years of pursuing my dream, I saw the amazing opportunities in online business world, acquired valuable experience and a great wealth of skills and knowledge on building, growing and developing a business online.

I am growing with my company and in the field of my interest. We are turning our website into an online business platform and community where you can start and grow your own business too!

When I endeavored to develop our business with my passion and faith, I wanted to share all I've learned (good and bad) with you, and wish that it can benefit you and your business, help you find what you need to reach your business goals and achieve your successes.

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